Friday 24 February 2023

Prostitutes in Pictures?

 Do men often see women in paintings as prostitutes?

Tonight there was an interesting tv program on Edward Hopper.
In it it was said that the woman in a green dress in ‘Soir Bleu’ is a prostitute.

I could not see why this assumption was made by the man speaking.

Yesterday Waldamar Januscek made the same assertion about the woman in the large foreground couple in Seurat’s ‘La Grande Jatte’ in his film about the Impressionists.




Again I can’t see the why he is so sure about that.

Are male critics likely to label women in paintings as prostitutes?
If so why?

Is any image of a woman out and about and near a man going to be labelled thus?

Why isn’t the man possibly a gigolo then?
No, that would be ridiculous!

I hope people reading this will comment.

1 comment:

  1. I read the pet monkey is a traditional symbol of lust so this could be significant in La Grande jatte.
